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  Ranking last updated on Thursday, February 21st 8:44 2002
for the server LegoLAN BaseQ3
p l a y e r  stats
Ranked at N° 2 of 2 with a rank of 15.79.
Note: This page shows *everything* that happend to this player.
The ranking page on the other hand only shows/uses the data relevant for ranking. E.g. Frags/Deaths that happend between you and the other players *also* in ranking. The ranking stats show a data subset!

player statistics
...Overview F, D , S, &E Usage
...Weapon usage
...Suicides / Damage Types
...Roles - Player Classes
...Correlation Role Frags/Deaths
...Streaks - F/DS in a Row
...Alternate Weapon Usage
...Alternate Frags/Deaths/Suis